

Date: 2017-02-16

Type of information: Product acquisition

Compound: GS-6637

Company: Amygdala Neurosciences (USA - CA) Gilead Sciences (USA - CA)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement:

product acquisition

Action mechanism:

ALDH2 inhibitor. GS-6637 is highly selective ALDH2 inhibitor that modifies dopaminergic tone by preventing pathophysiologic dopamine surges and associated craving without changes to basal dopamine. This profile, which prevents craving and drug seeking behavior, has the potential to be used as a pharmacotherapy for substance and behavior and based addictions.

Disease: addiction disorders


* On February 16, 2017, Amygdala Neurosciences, a biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of first-in-class drug candidates for addiction disorders, has entered into an agreement with Gilead Sciences for the acquisition of GS-6637, a highly selective ALDH2 inhibitor with the potential to treat behavior and substance addictions based on a mechanism of action that prevents pathophysiologic dopamine surges and associated craving without changes to basal dopamine. GS-6637 is a Phase-2 ready compound that utilizes a novel pathway for the treatment of addiction.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes