

Date: 2017-02-17

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: rFIXFc-XTEN

Company: Swedish Orphan Biovitrum - SOBI (Sweden) Bioverativ (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Hematological diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: hemophilia B


* On February 17, 2016, Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (Sobi™) announced that it has elected to add a novel product candidate (rFIXFc-XTEN) for the potential treatment of haemophilia B to the company’s collaboration agreement with Bioverativ (Biogen's hemophilia business ). Sobi has the right to include the rFIXFc-XTEN fusion molecule into its collaboration agreement with Bioverativ. By making a one-time payment to Bioverativ Sobi gains an opt-in right to participate in the final development and commercialisation of this product. The opt-in right may be exercised by Sobi in connection with the submission of the marketing authorisation application for rFIXFc-XTEN with the European Medicines Agency.
In September 2014, Sobi elected to add the rFVIIIFc-VWF-XTEN fusion molecule for the potential treatment of haemophilia A to its collaboration agreement with Bioverativ.


Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes