

Date: 2011-06-27

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: small molecules targeting an ion channel implicated in cardiovascular, CNS and urological diseases

Company: Evotec (Germany) Ono Pharmaceutical (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases - CNS diseases - Urological diseases

Type agreement: research - R&D

Action mechanism:


Details: Evotec AG and Ono Pharmaceutical have agreed to continue their research collaboration until April 2012 and enter into lead optimisation with the goal to generate new chemical entities, which will have the potential to become new drug candidates. Ono has a?worldwide?right? to?develop?and?commercializecompounds?generated?by?Evotec?in?this?collaboration. The collaboration project was initiated in October 2009 to identify small molecules targeting an ion channel implicated in cardiovascular, CNS and urological diseases in one and a half years and now successfully identified multiple compounds meeting various criteria in activity, selectivity and pharmacokinetic characteristics. Evotec has also recently achieved progression of novel ion channel modulators into lead optimization and has received milestone payment for this achievement.

Financial terms: Financial details were not disclosed.

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Is general: Yes