

Date: 2018-04-13

Type of information: Opening of new premises

Compound: Shonan Health Innovation Park

Company: Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: opening of new premises

Action mechanism:



  • • On April 13, 2018, Takeda announced the grand opening of Shonan Health Innovation Park (Shonan iPark), which has been designed as the first openly innovative ecosystem in Japan built on pharmaceutical know-how. Takeda launched Shonan iPark by transforming its Shonan research site to enhance scientific innovation. Shonan iPark is built on pharmaceutical know- how, with experts from the industry including, venture startups, government, and academia coming together to incubate and accelerate research, with the aim of translating cutting-edge science into impactful health solutions. With the aspiration to become a world-class ecosystem, Shonan iPark is supported by the local government and aligns well with the backbone of the government’s economic and revitalization strategy. Shonan iPark was conceived as an ecosystem to cultivate bio pharmaceutical, innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship in Japan.
  • Shonan iPark is seeking partners, such as business ventures, hospitals, academia and government. It aims to gather 3,000 researchers by the year 2020 and conduct activities based on the following 4 pillars:
  • -become a next-generation global research ecosystem
  • -become a place to co-create with various stakeholders across industry, academia, government and entrepreneurs
  • -bridge innovative ideas and technology with business
  • -contribute to the industry’s employment rate and development of the local area. The Shonan iPark is located between the cities of Fujisawa and Kamakura, along with Japan’s famous Shonan seaside. Unveiled at its opening ceremony, the logo uses a wave motif
  • As of April 13, 2018, Shonan iPark’s partners are as follows: Under the Takeda’s Entrepreneurship Venture Program, Chordia Therapeutics (Nov.2017), AIKOMI (Mar. 2018), FIMECS (Mar. 2018), GEXValTM (Apr. 2018), Reborna Biosciences, (Apr. 2018), GenAhead Bio (Apr. 2018) were established and became partners residing at Shonan iPark.

Financial terms:

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