

Date: 2017-10-24

Type of information: Resignation

Compound: chief executive officer

Company: BioInvent (Sweden)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: resignation

Action mechanism:



  • On October 24, 2017, BioInvent announced that Michael Oredsson will resign as CEO of BioInvent 31 December 2017. Michael took office as CEO of BioInvent in 2013 to restructure the company and refocus on oncology. Now, both the board and Michael believe that it is a good time for a change in leadership, as the company is transitioning to a specific focus on clinical development and R&D.
  • The board has initiated a process to recruit a new CEO. If a new CEO is not in place by 1 January, 2018, the present CSO, Björn Frendéus, will serve as acting CEO until the new CEO has been appointed and taken office.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes