

Date: 2018-04-16

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: RoslinCT (UK) Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre (NAATTC) (UK)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: collaboration

Action mechanism:



  • • On April 16, 2018, RoslinCT, a UK-based cell and gene therapy contract manufacturing organisation, announced the company is now part of the Northern Alliance Advanced Therapies Treatment Centre (NAATTC) consortium. As an industry partner within the consortium, RoslinCT will provide advice on the development, manufacture and clinical supply of cell, gene and tissue engineered therapies.
  • The NAATTC successful £7 million Innovate UK bid was won by a consortium from Scotland and the North of England, bringing together expertise from advanced therapies companies, GMP manufacturing organisations, NHS organisations and Universities in the region. Twenty partners will work collectively towards addressing the practical issues relating to the manufacture and supply, evaluation, funding and adoption of this new generation of cell, gene and tissue engineered therapies.
  • The NAATTC will also collaborate with the other two Innovate UK funded Advanced Therapies Treatment Centres based around Manchester and the Midlands and Wales. The Treatment Centres, co-ordinated by the Cell and Gene Therapy Catapult, aim to cement the UK’s position as a leader in the field of regenerative medicine.

Financial terms:

Latest news:

Is general: Yes