

Date: 2018-04-24

Type of information: Research agreement

Compound: gene therapy

Company: Lysogene (France) SATT Conectus (France) IGBMC (France)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases

Type agreement: research - collaboration

Action mechanism: gene therapy

Disease: fragile X syndrome


  • • On April 24, 2018, Lysogene announced the signing of a partnership agreement with Dr. Hervé Moine, researcher in Prof. Jamel Chelly’s team at the IGBMC Illkirch (CNRS, Inserm and Strasbourg University) and SATT Conectus. This partnership has been facilitated by the Fondation Maladies Rares, through its POC Club (Proof Of Concept) promoting research and knowledge management with academic and industrial actors in the field.
  • The agreement concerns the development of a gene therapy product for the treatment of patients with Fragile X syndrome. It aims to develop a new therapeutic approach based on the pioneering work of Dr. Hervé Moine. The Strasbourg team is using gene therapy to compensate for reduced DgkK, an innovative therapeutic target and potentially a key function in neuronal gene regulation, whose synthesis is regulated by Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP), the missing protein responsible for Fragile X syndrome. Driven by the SATT Conectus, this project brings together, in early-stage development, an innovative project driven by a researcher with the financial support of Conectus and an industrial partner with gene therapy development expertise. If the project is successful, Lysogene has a license option, guaranteeing priority access to the technology.
  • The first results of this project are anticipated in 2019.

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