

Date: 2017-10-05

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: metallo-?-lactamase inhibitor (MBLI) program

Company: Medivir (Sweden) AMR Centre (UK)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement: licensing

Action mechanism:

  • antibiotic/metallo-?-lactamase inhibitor 

Disease: beta lactamase resistant infections


  • • On October 5, 2017, Medivir and AMR Centre (AMRC) announced signing of an agreement providing AMRC the exclusive worldwide rights to Medivir’s research stage metallo-?-lactamase inhibitor (MBLI) program. This key research program is aimed at tackling the threat posed by NDM-1 and other metallo-?-lactamases, enzymes that make bacteria resistant to widely used beta-lactam antibiotics such as penicillin. AMR Centre (AMRC), the leading UK organisation working to combat the global problem of drug resistance, will take forward this program.
  • A licensing agreement will see AMRC progress the development of compounds deriving from Medivir’s metallo-?-lactamase inhibitor (MBLI) program. The goal is a treatment that could be given alongside existing antibiotics that would block the resistance mechanism that the NDM-1 bacteria have developed. It would take the form of a combination therapy containing the MBLI alongside an existing ?-lactam antibiotic, with the MBLI inactivating the resistance mechanism thereby restoring and maintaining the antibiotic activity.

Financial terms:

  • Under the terms of the agreement, AMRC, which operates from Alderley Park, Cheshire, UK, will be responsible for the future development of the MBLI program, and will share with Medivir a proportion of commercialization revenue received from any future out-licensing, sale or other commercialization of licensed know-how or compounds. No further financial details were released.

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