

Date: 2018-02-19

Type of information: Development agreement


Company: Arix Bioscience (UK) Fosun International (China)

Therapeutic area: undisclosed

Type agreement: development

Action mechanism:

Disease: undisclosed


  • • On February 19, 2018, Arix Bioscience, a global healthcare and life science company building and financing innovative young medical businesses and Fosun International, jointly announced a strategic agreement to develop and commercialise new clinical therapies for patients.
  • As part of the agreement, Arix and Fosun will collaborate to invest in and create new companies focused on the development of innovative clinical therapies across a broad range of therapeutic areas, with a particular emphasis on the Chinese market. This is Arix’s third strategic partnership and follows the success of its existing agreements with Takeda Ventures and UCB Pharma.
  • Arix will provide Fosun with access to its Group Businesses, pipeline and unique network of key professional and scientific advisors. In turn, Fosun will share potential investment opportunities in China and will have a potential opportunity to promote its services as exclusive distribution partner in China for Arix’s Group Businesses. China is the world’s second largest pharmaceutical market after the US and presents a great opportunity for Arix and its Group Businesses. The relationship with Fosun provides a unique footprint and network in the region.
  • Arix has made investments into 13 innovative life science companies in 2016 and 2017 with multiple value-creating milestones expected over the next 18 months.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes