

Date: 2018-10-09

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: artificial intelligence (AI) applications for bioimaging analysis

Company: Iris Pharma (France) Keen Eye (France)

Therapeutic area: Ophtalmological diseases - Technology - Services

Type agreement: collaboration

Action mechanism:

Disease: ophtalmological diseases


  • • On October 9, 2018, Keen Eye, a French technology company specialized in image analysis for the life science industry, announced a strategic partnership agreement with Iris Pharma, a world-wide leading ophthalmology-focused contract research organization (CRO) that offers preclinical and clinical drug / device development services. Advanced AI technology of Keen Eye will be used to optimize the performance of Iris Pharma's bioimaging analysis during the preclinical ophthalmic drug development, and in the future for clinical development.
  • The partnership aims at providing Iris Pharma artificial intelligence (AI) applications to make assays faster, more reliable and more efficient.
  • Founded in 2013, Keen Eye is a technology company aiming at bringing AI into every laboratory for the benefit of biologists, pathologists and patients. The company is building decision-support and GLP-compliant image analysis solutions to accelerate the development of new therapies with better, faster and accurate analytics. Keen Eye develops web-based solutions which help biologists and pathologists that usually spend thousands of hours on the microscope. Among others, Keen Eye delivers image quantification applications using its deep learning technology.

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