

Date: 2017-05-30

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: chief executive officer

Company: Viratherapeutics (Austria)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:



  • • On May 30, 2017,ViraTherapeutics, a biopharmaceutical company developing promising innovative virus-based immunotherapeutics, announced the appointment of Dr. Heinz Schwer as CEO. He takes over the position from interim CEO and co-founder Prof. Dr. Dorothee von Laer, who will remain a scientific advisor.
  • Heinz Schwer, PhD, MBA is an accomplished biotech executive, with strong experience in strategic leadership, business development, M&A and drug development. Dr. Schwer has a solid track record of successfully advancing companies from pre-clinical into clinical stage and navigating them through emerging operational challenges. He also has an excellent track record of effectively driving and managing acquisitions and integrating merged teams. Prior to joining ViraTherapeutics, Dr. Schwer served as CEO of Lanthio Pharma B.V. at the time the company was acquired by MorphoSys AG. He was previously founder and CEO of Sloning BioTechnology GmbH, which was sold to MorphoSys, where he stayed to manage the integration of the Slonomics® technology platform. Dr. Schwer received his PhD in clinical chemistry from University of Regensburg, was a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School at the Beth Israel Hospital and Dana-Faber Cancer Institute and holds an MBA from Henley Management College, UK.

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