

Date: 2018-03-19

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: undisclosed drug target for inflammatory diseases

Company: Five Prime Therapeutics (USA - CA) UCB (Belgium)

Therapeutic area: Inflammatory diseases

Type agreement: licensing

Action mechanism:

Disease: inflammatory diseases


  • • On March 19, 2018, Five Prime Therapeutics announced UCB has elected to exclusively license an undisclosed drug target for inflammatory diseases. Five Prime identified the target using its discovery platform. Five Prime identified the undisclosed target under the strategic collaboration established in March 2013 with UCB for the discovery of innovative biologics targets and therapeutics. Five Prime conducted five customized cell-based and in vivo screens of its protein libraries under the collaboration. In the course of screening its protein libraries in the collaboration, Five Prime identified proteins that may be potential drug targets or drug candidates for inflammatory diseases.

Financial terms:

  • Under the collaboration, Five Prime is eligible to receive potential future development, regulatory and sales-based milestones payments, as well as potential royalties on net sales.

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Is general: Yes