

Date: 2018-04-10

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: Wave LIfe Sciences (USA - MA) Deep Genomics (Canada)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Neuromuscular diseases

Type agreement: collaboration

Action mechanism:



  • • On  April 10, 2018 ,Wave Life Sciences, a biotechnology company focused on delivering transformational therapies for patients with serious, genetically-defined diseases, and Deep Genomics, a biotechnology company that is building a new universe of genetic medicines using its machine learning-driven biomedical platform, announced the formation of a collaboration to identify novel therapies to be developed by Wave for the treatment of genetic neuromuscular disorders.
  • Under the collaboration, the companies will analyze and test oligonucleotides against potential therapeutic targets within multiple genes implicated in neuromuscular disorders. The analysis will use Deep Genomics’ machine learning platform to identify cause and effect relationships specific to neuromuscular-related targets that involve splicing regulation. Wave’s propriety chemistry platform will be used to validate targets and elucidate the implications of target intervention across different phenotypes, with the goal of expanding Wave’s pipeline of rationally designed oligonucleotides.
  • This new collaboration builds on Wave’s ongoing research and development in splice correction programs, including its lead DMD program, WVE-210201, an investigational therapy targeting exon 51 currently in a global Phase 1 clinical trial. Wave’s next DMD program, targeting exon 53, is expected to initiate clinical trials in Q1 2019.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes