

Date: 2017-01-23

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: adenosine receptor antagonist drugs for use in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors

Company: Domain Therapeutics (France) Merck KGaA (Germany)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement:



Action mechanism:

adenosine receptor antagonist. Adenosine has been identified as a key component in resistance mechanisms for many tumors targeted by immune check-point inhibitors. While blocking certain adenosine receptors has been shown to increase the response to immune checkpoint inhibitors, antagonizing other adenosine receptors has also been shown to slow tumor progression.



* On January 23, 2017, Domain Therapeutics  announces that a collaboration and licensing agreement with Merck KGaA has been signed for the development of adenosine receptor antagonist drugs specifically designed for oncology and immuno-oncology. The agreement will involve close collaboration between Merck KGaA and Domain Therapeutics to develop and test new agents targeting key adenosine receptors.

Financial terms:

Merck KGaA will support research activities and gain worldwide rights to Domain Therapeutics’ next generation of adenosine receptor inhibitors. Under the terms of the agreement, Domain will be eligible for more than € 240 million in milestones, as well as undisclosed royalties.

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Is general: Yes