

Date: 2018-04-24

Type of information: Opening of new premises

Compound: new corporate office in Boston

Company: Orchard Therapeutics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases

Type agreement: opening of new premises

Action mechanism:



  • • On April 24, 2018, Orchard Therapeutics announced the opening of a new U.S. office in Boston’s Seaport District. The new Boston office builds upon the company’s footprint in London as well as Foster City and Menlo Park, California. Orchard’s Boston office will become the company’s hub for its commercial operations and several key financial and administrative functions to support the rapidly expanding global organization.
  • Orchard’s portfolio of autologous ex vivo gene therapy programs has demonstrated sustained clinical benefit (between two to 17 years) in over 120 patients across five disease areas. These programs include Strimvelis®, the first autologous ex vivo gene therapy approved by the EMA in 2016, 3 programs in advanced registrational studies in MLD (metachromatic leukodystrophy), WAS (Wiskott Aldrich syndrome) and ADA-SCID (adenosine deaminase severe combined immunodeficiency), other clinical programs in X-CGD (X-linked chronic granulomatous disease) and beta-thalassemia, as well as an extensive preclinical pipeline.
  • The company’s most-advanced development candidate OTL-101 for ADA-SCID, is expected to progress to a BLA (biological license application) with the FDA in 2018.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes