

Date: 2017-11-09

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Avrobio (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Lysosomal diseases

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:



  • • On November 9, 2017, Avrobio announced the appointment of Ian Clark to its Board of Directors. Ian Clark, former CEO of Genentech, will join as an independent director effective immediately. Mr. Clark is currently serving as an Operating Partner within Clarus Ventures. Mr. Clark served as Chief Executive Officer of Genentech and as Head of Roche's North American Commercial Operations. Mr. Clark joined Genentech in 2003 as Senior Vice President and General Manager, Bio-Oncology. By 2006, he was named Executive Vice President, Commercial Operations and became a member of the Executive Committee. Mr. Clark was named head of Global Product Strategy and Chief Marketing Officer of Roche in April 2009. Prior to joining Genentech, Mr. Clark served as general manager of Novartis Canada, where he oversaw all of the company's operations, and as Chief Operating Officer for Novartis United Kingdom.
  • Currently, Mr. Clark serves on the boards of Agios Pharmaceuticals, Corvus Pharmaceuticals.and Shire. Mr. Clark recently was a member of the Kite Pharma board until its acquisition by Gilead. Since 2009, he has served on the boards of directors of the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), the Gladstone Foundation and the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco's Economic Advisory Council. Mr. Clark received a Bachelor of Science Degree and an Honorary Doctorate in Biological Sciences from Southampton University in the United Kingdom.

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Is general: Yes