

Date: 2017-03-22

Type of information: Resignation

Compound: chairman of the board of directors

Company: Atlantic Healthcare (UK)

Therapeutic area: Inflammatory diseases - Gastrointestinal diseases

Type agreement: resignation

Action mechanism:



  • • On March 22, 2017, Atlantic Healthcare announced that Richard Wood, who has chaired the Board of Directors for the last five years has elected to step down as Chairman and as a Non-Executive Director due to the weight of other commitments. Thomas Wellner, who has been a non-executive director for the last nine years, will act as interim Chairman until a permanent replacement is appointed.
  • The Board of Directors believes that the next 18 months will be transformational for the company, including completing the trial, submission of regulatory filings in the U.S. and Europe and preparing to commercialise the product in key markets. Consequently, the Board has requested that all Directors commit additional time to the company during this critical period.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes