

Date: 2018-08-03

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: biomarkers associated with Oncologie’s Immuno-oncology pipeline

Company: HTG Molecular Diagnostics (USA - AZ) Oncologie (USA - MA)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: development

Action mechanism: biomarker



  • • On August 3, 2018, HTG Molecular Diagnostics, a provider of instruments, reagents, and services for molecular profiling applications and Oncologie, an innovative biotechnology company with operations in Boston and Shanghai, announced the completion of a master agreement where the companies have agreed to partner on the development of biomarkers associated with Oncologie’s Immuno-oncology pipeline.
  • Oncologie's current pipeline includes bavituximab, an investigational immune-modulatory monoclonal antibody that blocks activation by phosphatidylserine  of TAM and TIM receptors on immune cells, and lefitolimod, an immunomodulator and toll-like receptor 9 (TLR-9) agonist.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes