

Date: 2016-12-07

Type of information: Development agreement

Compound: promoters for the treatment of eye diseases

Company: Adverum Biotechnologies (USA - CA) Synpromics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Ophtalmological diseases - Genetic diseases - Rare diseases

Type agreement: research - development - R&D

Action mechanism: oligonucleotide - gene therapy



  • • On December 7, 2016, Synpromics announced the expansion of the research collaboration with Adverum Biotechnologies that began in December 2015. The initial collaboration focused on using Synpromics technology to develop promoters for the treatment of eye diseases, and has yielded promising early results. The new research collaboration, which will be for an initial period of one year, will use Synpromics PromPT™ technology to develop promoters that specifically regulate gene expression in certain types of liver cells.

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Is general: Yes