

Date: 2016-04-19

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: member of the board of directors

Company: Synpromics (UK)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:



  • • On April 19, 2016, Synpromics announced the appointment to the Board of Dr. John Shields as its new Investor Director. Dr. Ken Macnamara has been appointed to the Company’s expanded management team in the new role of Director of Operations, supporting ambitions for further growth. Dr. Shields joins the Synpromics Board as a replacement for Alexandra Lindsay of Calculus Capital as Investor Director. John is an experienced scientist, business executive and venture capital investor. Following 11 years in academia, John joined Glaxo plc before moving to Cantab Pharmaceuticals where he was Senior VP, Research. After 9 years at Cantab, he joined Abingworth, a specialist healthcare and life sciences venture capital company, where he remained for 13 years. For the last 2 years John has been an independent consultant and advisor to a number of venture capital groups, biotech companies and not-for-profit organisations.
  • In addition, to support the scaling up of its operations, Synpromics is delighted to appoint Dr Ken Macnamara as Director of Operations. Ken brings significant operational experience to the Management team having been pivotal in development of Lab901 (Scottish SME) where he was Product Development Manager responsible for developing the TapeStation and ScreenTape technologies from concept to market success. After Lab901 was acquired by Agilent Technologies 2011 Ken became R&D Director for the Microfluidics Business taking responsibility for setting the R&D strategy and leading the team through tremendous business growth. He brings a wealth of experience in business operations, financial planning, intellectual property, and quality/compliance from his experience of the journey from start-up to multinational.

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