

Date: 2017-12-11

Type of information: Nomination

Compound: chairman of the board of directors

Company: Exscientia (UK)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:



  • • On December 11, 2017, Exscientia announced the appointment of Alex Snow to its Board of Directors as Deputy Chairman. He brings significant strategic development and financial experience to the board. Alex Snow is an experienced investor, banker and entrepreneur, having previously founded Oxford Sciences Innovation and raised more than £600 million to commercialise world-leading science originating at Oxford University. Alex spent 20 years in investment banking and fund management, most recently as CEO of the hedge fund Lansdowne Partners. He was also the founder and CEO of Evolution Group, a UK investment banking and securities firm, which was sold to Investec Bank for £232 million in 2011.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes