

Date: 2017-09-06

Type of information: Clinical research agreement

Compound: Tedopi®

Company: OSE Immunotherapeutics (France) GERCOR (France)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Rare diseases

Type agreement: clinical research

Action mechanism:

  • immunotherapy product. Tedopi® (OSE2101) targets five tumour associated antigens (TAA), selected because their presence is linked to a poor prognosis and the severity of various cancers. Tedopi® contains ten optimized epitopes, or “neoepitopes”, designed on the binding of HLA-A2 and TCR. These neo-epitopes generate strong specific T cytotoxic responses that fight cancer and prevent tumour escape. These five tumor antigens (HER-­2/neu, p53, CEA, MAGE-2 and MAGE-­3) are expressed in various tumors related to poor prognosis and even poorer when associated.
  • Since February 2013, OSE2101 has been granted orphan drug status by the FDA for the treatment of NSCLC in patients expressing HLA-­A2.

Disease: locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer


  • • On September 6, 2017, OSE Immunotherapeutics announced an agreement with GERCOR, an independent non-profit French network of cancer specialists, to study Tedopi® in locally advanced or metastatic pancreatic cancer. GERCOR is finalizing the design of this Phase 2 trial of maintenance therapy with Tedopi® alone or combined with a PD-1 checkpoint inhibitor versus Folfiri*, in patients with stable disease after 4 months of standard chemotherapy with Folforinox (combination chemotherapy with folinic acid, fluorouracil, irinotecan and oxaliplatin). Professor Christophe Louvet, President of GERCOR, added: “Tedopi®’s effects on the tumor microenvironment could make checkpoint inhibitors relevant for a larger percentage of patients(...).”

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes