

Date: 2015-10-22

Type of information: Opening of new premises

Compound: Bioscience Division global operations center in Ireland

Company: Grifols (Spain)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Genetic diseases - Hematological diseases - Immunological diseases

Type agreement: opening of new premises

Action mechanism:



  • • On October 22, 2015, Grifols has officially opened its Bioscience Division global operations center in Ireland. The facility is located at Grange Castle Business Park Dublin and will house operating activities including the warehousing of plasma, intermediate and finished product; labeling, packaging and final conditioning of the product; regulatory and quality activities relating to the supply of plasma and plasma derivatives; R&D global management office; administrative and commercial activities among others. In addition, the Group’s global treasury activities are carried out at this facility. The global treasury function allows Grifols to operate its own in-house bank, acting as the only borrower (credit facilities, bonds, etc.) and lending funds to Group´s subsidiaries. The new Grifols Worldwide Operations Facility also centralizes decision-making with regard to the Bioscience Division commercial policy, R&D and supply chain. Grifols relocated these operations and its treasury function to Ireland in 2014. The center is scheduled to come on stream in the first half of 2016 and will generate approximately 140 jobs when it is fully operational. The Bioscience Division generated sales revenue of 2,513 million euros in 2014, or 75% of the group’s total net revenue. It manufactures plasma proteins and focuses on promoting its therapeutic use. Approximately 100 million dollars have been invested in the new Grifols operations facility in Dublin, that occupies 22,000 m2 of an 11-hectare site. The project is the result of Grifols growth strategy, with a strong emphasis on the internationalization and globalization of activities. Grifols generated 93.4% of its sales outside of Spain in 2014, and the company currently has direct commercial presence in 30 countries and distributes its products in 100. Regarding Bioscience Division, the three Grifols’ industrial facilities located in the United States (Clayton and Los Angeles) and Spain (Barcelona) are able to produce 26 different types of plasma-derived products (plasma proteins for therapeutic use include albumin, immunoglobulin, factor VIII, alpha1 antitrypsin, etc., in several concentrations and trade names) which are marketed in 67 countries. Grifols launched in 2013 an Operating and Distribution Infrastructure Expansion Plan aimed at improving its efficiency to support the demand in all countries where the company operates on the basis of maximum flexibility and continuity of supply. The new worldwide Operations Facility is part of this Expansion Plan and will be the global logistics and distribution hub of Grifols’ Bioscience Division. The site will be the central warehouse for all plasma coming from the United States, as it has the capacity to store up to 1,150 pallets of plasma at -30 degrees centigrade, and is equipped with quality control laboratories. It will be the central warehouse for intermediate and finished products, with capacity to store up to 3,000 pallets of intermediate and finished products at a temperature of +5 degrees centigrade. It will also centralize the tasks of labeling, packing, final conditioning, and distribution of finished plasma product to all Grifols’ commercial subsidiaries and global distributors, other than Spain and the United States, facilitating a fast flow of goods. It has 4 labeling and packing lines. The company expects to process about 10 million product vials in 2016. This amount will double up in the long term.

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