

Date: 2017-07-06

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: Eli Lilly (USA - IN) Purdue University (USA - IN)

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases

Type agreement: collaboration

Action mechanism:

Disease: pain


  • • On July 6, 2017, Eli Lilly and Purdue University announced a strategic collaboration to conduct life science research. The initial research focus areas include:
  • - Developing improved delivery of injectable medicines with the goals of reducing pain, decreasing the number of injections, and enabling better patient compliance and overall health.
  • - Developing predictive models for clinical success that reduce risks associated with investing in drug development and more effectively predict the outcome of new therapies in humans.
  • The collaboration envisions expansion to other areas to further utilize the range of expertise at the two institutions.
  • Purdue researchers from the natural and physical sciences, engineering and veterinary medicine will contribute to the interdisciplinary collaboration with Lilly researchers.

Financial terms:

  • The five-year agreement, where Lilly will provide up to $52 million, marks Purdue's largest strategic collaboration with a single company.

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Is general: Yes