

Date: 2017-04-13

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Sensorion (France)

Therapeutic area: Otorhinolaryngology

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:



  • • On April 13, 2017, Sensorion announced that the Board of Directors has appointed Nawal Ouzren as the Company’s new CEO. Laurent Nguyen will support Mrs. Ouzren as advisor to the CEO. With fifteen years of experience in operational and strategic management within the pharmaceutical industry, Nawal Ouzren started out at Baxter, where she was Strategy and Operational Excellence Manager, Quality Operations Director and Senior Director Strategy before becoming Vice President of the BioSimilaires business unit. In 2014, she became Vice President of the Global Hemophilia Franchise at Baxalta, which had been incorporated within the Shire group. In 2016, she took control of the Shire group’s Global Genetic Diseases division, where she supervised all marketing, business and strategy aspects of this global division’s product portfolio.

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Is general: Yes