

Date: 2017-08-25

Type of information: Research agreement

Compound: new small molecule-based therapeutics using ESAC platform and DNA-Encoded Chemistry technology

Company: Philogen (Italy) Servier (France)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement: research - R&D

Action mechanism: ESAC platform and DNA-Encoded Chemistry technology were developed by Philochem scientists in collaboration with the group of Prof. Dario Neri at ETH Zurich. These two discovery technologies allow to screen up to billions small molecules compounds in a very fast and efficient manner, and to further optimize the hit compounds in a fully automatic, DNA-tagged, fragment-based drug discovery manner.



  • • On August 25, 2017, Philogen announced through its wholly owned Swiss subsidiary, Philochem AG, a collaboration with Servier to discover new small molecule-based therapeutics using Philochem’s proprietary ESAC platform and DNA-Encoded Chemistry technology.

Financial terms: No financial details of the agreement were released.

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Is general: Yes