

Date: 2017-05-10

Type of information: Opening of new premises

Compound: research site in Poznan

Company: Selvita (Poland)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: opening of new premises

Action mechanism:



  • • On May 10, 2017, Selvita has opened a new research site in Poznan, Poland. The new site is located in the Wielkopolska Centre of Advanced Technologies and the initial laboratory space which Selvita occupies amounts to 5 400 sq. feet, which constitutes nearly 20% increase in Selvita laboratory space compared to the current state, with significant extension possibilities.
  • Selvita plans to employ up to 50 researchers in the first months of Poznan site operations, and successively increase both the employment, as well as research space.
  • The headquarters of Selvita are located in Krakow, where the company has almost 35 000 sq. feet of research space and over 390 employees. Poznan facility is the first Selvita research site outside Krakow and it constitutes “the second lung of Selvita”, providing both contract services, as well as actively participating in internal R&D projects. In 2015, Selvita has opened its foreign sales offices in the major biotechnology regions such as Cambridge, UK, as well as Cambridge, MA and San Francisco Bay Area, in the US.

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Is general: Yes