

Date: 2017-06-26

Type of information: Construction of new premises

Compound: GMP III and GMP IV facilities

Company: Curevac (Germany)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: construction of new premises

Action mechanism:



  • • On June 26, 2017, CureVac announced the extension of its GMP production capabilities to meet the clinical and future commercial needs of its mRNA product pipeline as the company advances towards its goal of bringing the first mRNA product to the market. Since 2006, CureVac has operated the first GMP-compliant production plant worldwide with two multi-product suites – GMP I and GMP II – for large RNA molecules for medical applications against cancer, infectious diseases and other illnesses. Since 2008, these suites have supplied mRNA for CureVac’s multiple clinical studies. The RNA company is advancing by taking its GMP production capabilities to the next level. CureVac is currently completing the development of its third in-house suite, GMP III. This suite will operate under a newly developed and patent-protected process optimized for large scale production. Manufacturing of RNA products in this facility will begin in 2018. Expanding its manufacturing capabilities is CureVac’s construction of a new building, which is designed for the development of a GMP production process on an industrial scale. Construction has now started; the new facility, GMP IV, is expected to be fully commissioned in 2019 and is designed with a modular concept that gives CureVac the ability to rapidly adapt to product development needs. GMP IV’s production process design will cover a wide variety of different RNA-based products and is planned to begin with a target capacity of approximately 30 million doses per year. CureVac also has the ability to extend the building to fulfill future market needs for its RNA products onsite in Tübingen.

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