

Date: 2017-01-25

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: IBM (USA - NY) Lundbeck (Denmark)

Therapeutic area: CNS diseases - Mental diseases - Neurological diseases

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Action mechanism:

Disease: psychiatric and neurological disorders


* On January 25, 2016, Lundbeck announced that the group is collaborating with IBM's Watson Health to accelerate the development of innovative medicines to treat psychiatric and neurological disorders. The collaboration will combine Lundbeck's expertise in the treatment of psychiatric and neurological disorders with IBM's cognitive and knowledge-based analytics to foster the discovery and development of new innovative treatments of disorders such as schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease.
This collaboration will help Lundbeck establish an innovative approach and new platform for real world evidence and advanced analytics where Lundbeck can take advantage of Watson technology across clinical data from millions of anonymized patient lives made available through the Watson Health Cloud.
In addition, this platform will allow Lundbeck to use the Watson technologies across additional Lundbeck data (clinical or other) as well as claims data that will be provided through this collaboration and made available in the Watson Health Cloud. Finally, Lundbeck will leverage IBM Watson for drug discovery to take advantage of a knowledge-driven approach and in support of the identification of potential new drug targets and alternative drug indications to accelerate discovery and advance the development of therapies.

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Is general: Yes