

Date: 2017-03-13

Type of information: Construction of new premises

Compound: Gödöll? plant in Hungary

Company: GSK (UK)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement: construction of new premises

Action mechanism:

Disease: diphtheria, tetanus


  • • On March 13, 2017, the Hungarian Investment Promotion Agenct (Hipa) announced that GSK is launching a development worth € 57 million in its Gödöll? plant. After the completion of the investment, the plant will have expanded activity, producing diphtheria and tetanus vaccine components for new areas of use. GSK is carrying out production in Gödöll? since 2002. The plant is involved in the production of purified diphtheria and tetanus antigens which are used around the world as a vaccine component. GSK has invested approximately €160 million in the plant during the past 15 years, currently employing 230 people.
  • The plant in Gödöll? will be the sole internal source of supply of GSK for producing proteins used as a carrier in the pneumococcus vaccine of GSK, and in the production of antigens, used for the DTP and polio combination vaccine.

Financial terms:

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