

Date: 2017-01-23

Type of information: Clinical research agreement

Compound: CDNF - recombinant human cerebral dopamine neurotrophic factor

Company: Herantis Pharma (Finland) Renishaw (UK)

Therapeutic area: Neurological diseases - CNS diseases

Type agreement:

clinical research

Action mechanism:

protein. Cerebral Dopamine Neurotrophic Factor (CDNF) is a neuroprotective and neurotrophic protein patented worldwide by Herantis.  Following a preclinical development program, which has showed it as efficacious in several preclinical models of Parkinson’s disease (PD), Herantis is preparing for a first-in-human clinical study of CDNF in the treatment of PD and has a preclinical development program for the treatment of ALS. CDNF is based on research at the Institute of Biotechnology at the University of Helsinki, lead by professor Mart Saarma.

Disease: Parkinson's disease


* On October 25,  2016, Herantis Pharma and Renishaw have signed a collaboration agreement related to the first clinical study of CDNF in Parkinson's disease. Under the agreement, the Drug Delivery System developed by Renishaw will be used for the clinical administration of CDNF. Herantis and Renishaw will jointly contribute to funding of the clinical study and both companies expect to independently benefit from the clinical data on CDNF and Drug Delivery System respectively.

Herantis and Renishaw are also partners in a consortium currently preparing an approximately €6 million grant agreement with the EU's Horizon 2020 framework programme related to the clinical study. Clinical trial applications have been submitted to regulatory authorities. Due to prolonged regulatory processes and ongoing EU grant negotiations the study's planned launch of patient recruitment has been postponed from end of 2016 to the first half of 2017.


Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes