

Date: 2017-02-21

Type of information: Opening of new premises


Company: Biophytis (France)

Therapeutic area: Ageing diseases - Muscle disorders - Ophtalmological diseases

Type agreement: opening of new premises

Action mechanism:



  • • On February 21, 2017, Biophytis announced that it has relocated to the Pierre and Marie Curie University (UPMC) campus, the site of its scientific origin. Being present on the Jussieu Paris campus will facilitate scientific collaborations between Biophytis and a team of world-renowned researchers as well as the continued development of a drug discovery platform targeting age-related diseases. Bertrand Friguet’s team at the Institut de Biologie Paris Seine (IBPS), based at UPMC, is one of the most important teams in the world studying the fundamental mechanisms that underlie biological responses to stress and their evolutions throughout aging. The team includes more than 100 researchers on the Jussieu campus. Many other teams, at UPMC, such as the Institute of Myology, the Vision Institute, the Brain and Spine Institute (ICM) and the Institute of Longevity, study age-related diseases linked to their medical specialties in order to better understand these new diseases, develop innovative treatments and promote the opportunity to age in good health.
  • Biophytis was founded at the heart of UPMC ten years ago and has been collaborating since then with several of UPMC’s research laboratories, which participated in the development of Sarconeos. This drug candidate is in clinical development for the treatment of sarcopenia, after being developed in partnership with IBPS and Myology Institute. Macuneos, a second Biophytis drug-candidate, in clinical development for the treatment of AMD, developed in partnership with IBPS and the Vision Institute.
  • The move also allows Biophytis to scale up a research platform consisting of age-related disease cellbased assays, allowing the selection and characterization of bioactive molecules coming from a chemolibrary of natural molecules and their synthetic analogs. This library was assembled by René Lafont, professor emeritus at UPMC and co-founder of Biophytis over several decades. The company can therefore extend its cell biology and biochemistry laboratory to discover additional drug candidates and to better describe their mechanisms of action. The research platform will now be further enabled by easy access to IBPS’s joint platforms (animal house, proteomics, bioinformatics, etc) and also access to new technologies, such as stem cells.

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