

Date: 2017-05-16

Type of information: Collaboration agreement


Company: Boehringer Ingelheim (Germany) Peking University (China)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology - Cardiovascular diseases - CNS diseases - Immunological diseases - Metabolic diseases - Respiratory diseases

Type agreement: collaboration

Action mechanism:



  • • On May 16, 2017,  Boehringer Ingelheim and Peking University (PKU) announced a strategic partnership with the aim of jointly advancing early science innovation across a range of areas of high medical need. The partnership will implement a multifaceted collaboration model that nimbly and flexibly caters for the specific needs of the involved research groups. It will comprise project based research, a joint post-doctorate fellowship program and a number of Boehringer Ingelheim endowed investigators.
  • The partnership aims to strengthen Boehringer Ingelheim’s portfolio of early and unique pipeline projects supporting the company’s aspiration to be at the forefront of science and technology and deliver more first in class medicines with breakthrough potential. It takes Boehringer Ingelheim’s research and development efforts in Asia to the next level.
  • Research teams at PKU will work closely with their counterparts at Boehringer Ingelheim to leverage the company’s expertise in pharmaceutical research and development with their novel approaches and insights to identify novel targets and medicines within and beyond the company’s key therapeutic areas. These include cancer, cancer immunology and immune modulation, respiratory, cardiometabolic and central nervous system diseases.
  • This new collaboration continues the success of recent projects in China, such as the China Southeast University Institute of Life Sciences’ project with Boehringer Ingelheim to develop new treatment approaches for hearing loss through regeneration of hair cells.

Financial terms:

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Is general: Yes