

Date: 2017-03-01

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Theradiag (France)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement: nomination

Action mechanism:



  • • On March 1, 2017, Theradiag announced the appointment of Dominique Costantini and Dominique Takizawa to its Board of Directors subject to ratification by shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting. They are taking over from Truffle Capital, a company represented by Philippe Pouletty and Antoine Pau. These appointments are subject to ratification by shareholders at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting on April 27, 2017. Following these appointments, Theradiag’s Board of Directors has the following members:
  • Gérard Tobelem, Chairman of the Board of Directors
  • Michel Finance, Director and CEO of Theradiag
  • Vincent Fert, independent director
  • Pierre Morgon, independent director
  • Dominique Costantini, independent director
  • Dominique Takizawa, independent director.
  • With over 20 years’ experience in the pharmaceutical industry, Dominique Costantini has supported numerous therapeutic innovations in the international oncology sector. During her career, she has held various management positions at HMR (now Sanofi), where she ran the medico-marketing launch activities (immunology, endocrinology, infectiology and oncology). In 1997, Dominique Costantini co-founded BioAlliance Pharma, a biotechnology company specialized in oncology and supportive care, and was its Chief Executive Officer until 2011. During her tenure, she oversaw the Company’s IPO on Euronext (2005) and was the architect behind various international industry partnerships (Europe, United States, China, Japan, South Korea). She also oversaw the marketing approval process for new products in Europe and the United States. To date, BioAlliance Pharma (renamed Onxeo in 2014) is the only French biotechnology company to have obtained marketing approval from the FDA for three drugs (Beleodaq®, Livatag® and Validive®). In 2012, Dominique Costantini co-founded and became Chief Executive Officer of OSE Pharma, a biotechnology company developing immunotherapy products to treat invasive stage cancers. In May 2016, she led the merger between OSE Pharma and Effimune to jointly found OSE Immunotherapeutics, a biotech company specialized in the activation and regulation of the immune response in immuno-oncology, in autoimmune conditions and in transplantation, and is its Chief Executive Officer and Director. Dominique Costantini is a doctor (Paris V) specialized in immunology.
  • Dominique Takizawa has been Secretary General of the Institut Mérieux since 2006. After joining the Mérieux group in 2001, she contributed to its strategic development, through her involvement in mergers & acquisitions, and in the management of relations with shareholders and investors. Dominique Takizawa managed market transactions and supported bioMérieux’s IPO. Previously, she was Chief Financial Officer for various companies, including Pasteur-Mérieux Connaught (now Sanofi Pasteur) and Rhône Mérieux/Mérial, during a period of major strategic change. Dominique Takizawa is also a Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee of listed companies April and Adocia. Dominique Takizawa is a graduate of the HEC business school (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales) and holds a DECF diploma in finance and accounting.

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