

Date: 2017-03-23

Type of information: Collaboration agreement

Compound: Nature Open Library program

Company: Pierre Fabre Laboratories (France) Setubio (France)

Therapeutic area: Technology - Services

Type agreement: collaboration

Action mechanism: Nature Open Library is an original open innovation program launched by the Pierre Fabre Laboratories to share its plant expertise with developers of innovative projects, from research and development to the industrialization of plant actives. Within the framework of this program, Pierre Fabre laboratories are opening the doors to their private plant library, one of the industry’s biggest collections with more than 15,000 plant samples from 7,000 species. This collection has been created in compliance with regulations on biodiversity access (Rio Convention Valorisation de la biodiversité and Nagoya Protocol).



  • • On March 23, 2017, Pierre Fabre Laboratories and the Auvergne-based biotech company SETUBIO, specialist in microbial biotechnology, announced the signing of a partnership agreement within the framework of the Nature Open Library program.
  • Nature Open Library is an original open innovation initiative launched by Pierre Fabre Laboratories to develop the therapeutic properties of the 15,000 plants stored in its plant library, the biggest plant collection belonging to a private pharmaceutical company. Both companies will rely on SETUBIO’s highthroughput biological screening platform to identify new pharmaceutical active molecules for animal and human health.

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Is general: Yes