

Date: 2017-05-24

Type of information: Product acquisition

Compound: immunotherapies targeting immune checkpoints

Company: Pierre Fabre laboratories (France) Igenica Biotherapeutics (USA - CA)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: product acquisition

Action mechanism: immunotherapy product/immune checkpoint inhibitor



  • • On May 24, 2017, Pierre Fabre Laboratories announced the signature of a definitive purchase agreement to acquire several assets from Igenica Biotherapeutics, based in Burlingame, California, USA. The agreement includes innovative immunotherapies targeting immune checkpoints that may reverse the resistance to existing immuno therapies. The most advanced asset is currently at preclinical stage and is expected to be administered to patients in the coming 2 to 3 years. The agreement also comprises a series of early discovery targets.
  • Under the terms of the agreement, Pierre Fabre has acquired the full property of the assets.

Financial terms: The financial terms of the agreement are not disclosed.

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