

Date: 2017-07-12

Type of information: Opening of new premises


Company: Pierre Fabre (France)

Therapeutic area: Consumer Health Care

Type agreement: opening of new premises

Action mechanism: Péraudel site



  • • On July 12, 2017, the Pierre Fabre group officially opened its newly and extensively renovated Péraudel site (Castres, Tarn). This historic site, which was acquired by Mr. Pierre Fabre in 1962 when the group was created, now hosts the Consumer Health Care division, responsible for products relating to consumer health care, oral care and natural health (phytotherapy and aromatherapy).
  • The renovation, which required an investment of €12 million, attests to the Pierre Fabre group’s historical presence in Castres. In addition to dermo-cosmetics, dermatology, Rx pharmaceuticals and oncology, the consumer health care activity - which includes the Dexeryl, Carbolevure, Nicopatch, Drill, Eludril, Elgydium, Inava and Naturactive brands - is a strategic priority for the group, both in France and on an international level, which represents 60% of revenues.
  • The three-story building, which dated back to the 1960s, has been entirely renovated. With a ground floor surface area of 1,750 m², it now offers a total surface area of 5,612 m² divided between offices (70%) and laboratories (30%). The historic element of the Péraudel site - a large and grand house dating back to the 19th century - has been preserved. Some 250 people are employed on the site, and about 20% of them work in R&D activities. Under the auspices of the Occitanie region, Fonds Européens de Développement Régional (FEDER - European Funds for Regional Development) contributes to the financing of research programs carried out at this new center. In accordance with the Pierre Fabre group’s CSR policy, the renovation of the Péraudel site complies with environmental quality best practices. The work site was managed in such as way as to minimize any risk of pollution and to recover waste materials involved in the deconstruction and reconstruction process wherever possible.

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