

Date: 2017-03-28

Type of information: Research agreement

Compound: cancer drugs using NanoZolid technology

Company: LIDDS (Sweden) Uppsala University (Sweden)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: research

Action mechanism: immunotherapy product/immunomodulating agent. NanoZolid® is a patented drug development technology which releases the drug locally in close proximity to the tumour for optimum effect and with fewer side effects. LIDDS has demonstrated the possibility of integrating antibodies with NanoZolid technology.



  • • On March 28, 2017,  LIDDS has entered into a research agreement with Uppsala University for preclinical development of pharmaceuticals for immunotreatment of cancer. LIDDS has begun research into integrating antibody-based immunotherapies with NanoZolid technology. The company is now expanding its cooperation with the Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology (IGP) at Uppsala University to include the area of immunotherapy with the goal of developing cancer drugs using NanoZolid technology. Cooperation with Associate Professor Sara Mangsbo at IGP has yielded promising results, which show that large immunomodulating molecules can be created with NanoZolid and thus allow administration of antibodies into tumours in order to activate the body’s immune response there. This cooperation seeks to develop new cancer drugs based on the NanoZolid platform. The goal is to develop a local treatment using immunomodulating substances that treat tumours effectively with fewer systemic side effects.

Financial terms:

Latest news: • On June 7, 2017, positive research results for NanoZolid® with antibodies complementary results from the LIDDS research project with IGP, Uppsala University shows that antibodies can be released from a NanoZolid® formula with full function and with a depot effect. The results involve a continued focus on local treatment with biological medications based on NanoZolid®. The objective is to develop an effective immunotherapy against cancer with reduced side effects. LIDDS sees a major clinical need and significant commercial potential for the principle of using local treatment to activate the body's immune system. This is in light of the fact that immunotherapy often provides effective results, but also difficult and unexpected side effects that require the treatment to be cancelled. Based on these new results, LIDDS will be evaluating which types of projects should be prioritized as well as contacting leading pharmaceutical companies and discussing collaboration/licensing of the NanoZolid® technology for effective immunotherapy. The objective is to induce local activation of the immune system that can effectively treat tumours in all parts of the body with fewer side effects. With NanoZolid® technology, the patient need not be subjected to frequent injections as is the case today. LIDDS wants to develop effective local treatment with a better quality of life for the affected patients.

Is general: Yes