

Date: 2015-09-03

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Serodus (Norway)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases - Metabolic diseases

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* On September 3, 2015, Serodus announced that the comany has appointed Nikolai C. Brun as Vice President Drug Development. Dr. Brun is an MD, PhD from the University of Copenhagen and has an extensive experience from the pharmaceutical industry with a strong track record from clinical development. Dr. Brun is educated as a Medical Doctor and PhD with a broad practicing experience both from Denmark and Norway. In his previous work within the industry, Dr. Brun has experience from all Phases and aspects of clinical development within the pharmaceutical and biotech industry leading complex development projects, including work with EU and US regulatory agencies as well as external pharmaceutical partners. He has previously been Project Vice President at Novo Nordisk, Senior Medical Director at Genzyme as well as VP Medical department at Genmab.

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Is general: Yes