

Date: 2015-04-28

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Serodus (Norway)

Therapeutic area: Cardiovascular diseases - Metabolic diseases

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* On April 28, 2015, Serodus announced the appointment of Peter Holm Tygesen as Vice President Pharmaceutical Development. The company continues its actions moving forward to establish future partnerships. Peter’s career has evolved in Pharma, Biotech and functionalCosmetics. He has moved from an entry point as organic chemist to operational management as Head of Department in Lundbeck into overall strategic leadership of business areas and ultimately overall P&L responsibility in hisrole as CEO in Egalet and latest Riemann. Peter has led the optimization and execution of drug cross border development activities, hereunder dealing with authorities in EU and US in connection with pre-IND meetings, IND and NDA submissions within both small molecule and peptide drug development with strong focus on drug substance and drug product. Peter Holm Tygesen will be part of the management team in Serodus.

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Is general: Yes