

Date: 2017-01-19

Type of information: Restructuring


Company: Adocia (France)

Therapeutic area: Metabolic diseases

Type agreement: restructuring

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  • • On January 19, 2017, Adocia announced its decision to transform its business model towards partnerships based on more mature projects. “With the validation of our technology in the BC Lispro project and our experience acquired in terms of development, we intend to carry out our projects to a more advanced stage in order to create more long-term value for the company and its shareholders.” said Gérard Soula, Chairman and CEO.
  • Concerning BC Lispro, after 6 positive clinical studies carried out with Eli Lilly, the Phase 1 program may make it possible to enter into Phase 3 clinical studies. Eli Lilly’s decision is expected in 2017. The combination of glargine and lispro, BioChaperone Combo, is currently being tested in a clinical study on people with type 2 diabetes to confirm results seen in a previous study on people with type 1 diabetes. Two additional clinical studies are planned in 2017, a dose-response study in Q2 2017 and a two-week study in Q4 2017. The objective of these two studies is to prepare a submission for entry into Phase 3.
  • Adocia also announced the launch of new projects involving physiological hormones with a complementary role to insulin. These projects focus on improving the treatment of people with type 1 diabetes, both in terms of safety and effectiveness, by restoring physiological synergies. The first project involves the stabilization of human glucagon in aqueous solution so that it can be administered with a pump. Such a formulation would allow the development of a dualhormonal artificial pancreas, an automatic system that would provide increased safety against the risk of hypoglycemia and better blood glucose control for patients. Two other projects combining lispro prandial insulin with pramlintide, the only commercial analogue of amylin (Symlin®, AstraZeneca), and also insulin lispro with a GLP-1 receptor agonist, exenatide (Byetta®, AstraZeneca) could lead to better glycemic control and weight loss for people with type 1 diabetes. The significant medical benefit of such combinations in these individuals has already been established in clinical trials using separate injections. However, it is crucial to combine these hormones to facilitate the use of these products by limiting the number of injections. BioChaperone technology makes possible these combinations of proteins known to be incompatible. Adocia is to date the only company developing such combinations that can be described as “first in class”. Finally, for people with type 2 diabetes, Adocia has successfully developed combinations of insulin glargine with two GLP-1 RAs, dulaglutide (Trulicity®, Eli Lilly) and liraglutide (Victoza®, Novo Nordisk) using BioChaperone technology. In 2017, Adocia intends to test in clinical studies its new formulation of human glucagon, one of the two prandial insulin lispro combinations and one of the two basal insulin glargine combinations. With approximately €58 million of cash on hand at December 31, 2016, Adocia believes it has sufficient resources available to support the development of its products. In order to effect its new strategy, Adocia is considering a capital increase through a private placement at the appropriate time.

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