

Date: 2016-08-16

Type of information: Licensing agreement

Compound: DNA vaccine.

Company: Inovio Pharmaceuticals (USA - PA) Plumbline Life Sciences (Republic of Korea)

Therapeutic area: Veterinary medicine

Type agreement: licensing

Action mechanism: vaccine.

Disease: veterinary vaccine for foot and mouth disease


  • • On August 16, 2016, Inovio Pharmaceuticals announced it has licensed a veterinary vaccine for foot and mouth disease (FMD) to Plumbline Life Sciences, an animal health company headquartered in South Korea. Inovio’s FMD DNA vaccine administered to sheep and pigs in previous studies showed strong protective neutralizing antibodies, demonstrating its potential to prevent the virus from infecting livestock animals.

Financial terms: Plumbline will fund all development activities for this FMD vaccine. Inovio will receive milestone payments as well as royalties on product sales from Plumbline for commercial rights to this FMD synthetic vaccine in Asia, excluding Japan. In 2014, Inovio sold other animal health assets to Plumbline for cash and a significant equity position in the company.

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