

Date: 2016-09-15

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Zambon (Italy)

Therapeutic area:

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* On September 15, 2016, Zambon has appointed Roberto Tascione as new CEO to drive the business on a global scale. Roberto Tascione, 54 years, started his career at BMS Italy, before leading the Primary Care and OTC divisions of Schering Plough. From 2009 to 2014 he was CEO of Gilead Italy and on May 2014 he returned to BMS as President and Chief Executive Officer Italy. In recent years he led the arrival on the Italian market of some of the most innovative drugs , including Eviplera® and Stribild® for HIV, Daklinza® for HCV and Opdivo® in immuno – oncology. Tascione also served on the General Council of Confindustria and was member of Farmindustria Board and the Committee for the Ethical Code.

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Is general: Yes