

Date: 2017-05-31

Type of information: Nomination


Company: AstraZeneca (UK)

Therapeutic area:

Type agreement: nomination

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Details: • On May 31, 2017, AstraZeneca announced that, effective 1 June 2017, the Board has appointed Professor Nazneen Rahman as a Non-Executive Director of AstraZeneca. On appointment, Professor Rahman also becomes a member of the Science Committee. Professor Nazneen Rahman is Head of the Division of Genetics and Epidemiology at the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), London; Head of the Cancer Genetics Unit at the Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust; and Director of the TGL clinical gene testing laboratory at the ICR. She qualified in medicine from Oxford University and holds a PhD in molecular genetics. Professor Rahman’s research harnesses her scientific and clinical expertise to identify and clinically implement human disease genes. She has a strong focus on cancer predisposition genes, in which she is an internationally-recognised expert and has discovered many such genes during her career, particularly for breast, ovarian and childhood cancers. Elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2010, Professor Rahman is a member of the scientific advisory boards of Genomics plc and the Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway, as well as the advisory board of Wellcome Open Research.  

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Is general: Yes