

Date: 2017-02-21

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Actinium Pharmaceuticals (USA - NJ)

Therapeutic area: Cancer - Oncology

Type agreement: nomination

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Details: • On February 21, 2017, Actinium Pharmaceuticals announced that Steven Price has been appointed to the newly created position of Vice President, Clinical and Commercial Strategy. In this role, Steven Price will initially focus on pre-commercial efforts including strategic planning and product messaging for Iomab-B, increasing awareness for Iomab-B, further developing relationships with the physician community, and supporting clinical trials for Actinium’s current and future clinical programs. He will also be in charge of pre-commercial activities for Actimab-A and Actimab-M. Most recently, Steve was at Merck&co as Global Disease Lead, Hematology where he focused on Keytruda®, an anti-PD-1 immuno-oncology antibody. In this position, Steve served as commercial lead on the product development team responsible for maximizing physician acceptance, KOL development, market penetration and new indication launch uptake. Further, he developed the marketing program ahead of product launch before implementing at the regional level and guiding regional teams in a new indication launch. Prior to Merck, Steve consulted to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies on product pre-launch strategies, pre-market evaluations, developing and implementing marketing strategies, and KOL development. Previously, Steve worked at Imclone Systems, now a wholly owned subsidiary of Eli Lilly, as Associate Vice President, Global New Products Strategic Marketing. At Imclone, Steve was the commercial lead for 10 antibody therapeutics where he was responsible for all commercial aspects of the New Product Pipeline. In addition, Steve was Vice-chair of the Hematology council where he reviewed assets and advised on the development of new compounds. Steve has also worked as National Director of Sales and Marketing at Enzon Corporation and as Marketing Director at Immunex Corporation until it was acquired by Amgen.

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