

Date: 2015-09-02

Type of information: Milestone


Company: Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma (Japan) Exscientia (UK)

Therapeutic area: Mental diseases - Psychiatric diseases

Type agreement: research - R&D

Action mechanism: bispecific molecule.



  • • On September 2, 2015, Exscientia announced the achievement of delivering its first advanced molecule that fits the development quality criteria requested by Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma. after the first year of their collaboration.
  • The first compound passed over to Sumitomo Dainippon for further internal development is a bispecific, dual-agonist compound that selectively activates two GPCR receptors from two distinct families. The accelerated project delivered the molecule that fulfilled development quality criteria in only 12 months. Starting from a product concept, fewer than 400 compounds needed to be synthesized to identify molecules that match the required development criteria. A key part of this success was a productive collaboration between ex scientia’s automated drug design system and Sumitomo Dainippon’s researchers, who were able to rapidly synthesize and assay small batches of compounds so that ex scientia could in turn refine the models developed and evolve the designs.

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