

Date: 2016-12-08

Type of information: Nomination


Company: Cymabay Therapeutics (USA - CA)

Therapeutic area: Rare diseases - Hepatic diseases - Liver diseases

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* On December 8, 2016, CymaBay Therapeutics announced the appointment of Robert Booth, Ph.D. and Caroline Loewy to the company’s Board of Directors, effective December 6, 2016.

Dr. Robert Booth is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Virobay, a drug discovery and development company. He served concurrently as an Operating Partner and Senior Advisor at TPG Biotech. Dr. Booth is also the Executive Chairman and co-founder of Ab Initio Biotherapeutics and of CuraSen Therapeutics. Dr. Booth was appointed to the position of Consulting Professor in the School of Medicine at Stanford University in 2016. From 2002 to 2006, Dr. Booth was the Chief Scientific Officer at Celera Genomics, where he was responsible for leading all discovery and development activities. Dr. Booth conceived and initiated the Btk tyrosine kinase inhibitor program that was licensed to Pharmacyclics and from which Imbruvica was discovered and developed. Dr. Booth served on the board of directors of Pharmacyclics until its acquisition by Abbvie for $21 billion in 2015. Dr. Booth was at Roche from 1989 to 2002, in positions of increasing responsibility and was the Senior Vice President and Business Unit Leader for Roche in Palo Alto, California. Dr. Booth was a member of the Global Research Management Team and a member of the Business Development Committee, which oversaw licensing opportunities for Roche. The biology team for which Dr. Booth was responsible discovered and contributed to the development of Invirase, the first HIV protease inhibitor to be launched. Dr. Booth currently serves as a member of the board of directors of Glialogix, Inc., CuraSen Therapeutics and Ab Initio Biotherapeutics and Virobay, Inc. He has approximately 50 published scientific articles and is an inventor on 9 patents.

Caroline Loewy is a biopharmaceutical and financial executive with over 25 years of experience in the field. She is a Co-Founder and the Chief Business Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Achieve Life Sciences, as well as a consultant providing strategic advisory services for biopharmaceutical companies. Caroline has previously held the position of Chief Financial Officer of both public and private biopharmaceutical companies Tobira Therapeutics, Corcept Therapeutics, and Poniard Pharmaceuticals. Prior to her roles in company management, Caroline spent 11 years as a senior biotechnology equity research analyst at Morgan Stanley and Prudential Securities. Caroline has leveraged her experience in the medical arena and financial expertise to benefit those affected by rare disease. She is a founding board member of the Global Genes Project, one of the leading rare disease patient advocacy organizations in the world, and is a member of the National Advisory Council of the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) Center for Rare Childhood Disorders. Caroline is also a founding board member of the KCNQ2 Cure Alliance, promoting education and research into the rare disorder affecting her son.

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