

Date: 2016-11-30

Type of information: Construction of a production plant


Company: Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan)

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases

Type agreement:

construction of a production plant

Action mechanism:

Disease: dengue fever


* On November 30, 2016, Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company announced that it will invest more than 100 million euros to build a new manufacturing plant for its dengue vaccine candidate in Singen, Germany. Initial construction activities will start immediately, and the facility should be ready for production in 2019.

This represents a major step by Takeda toward meeting important unmet needs in dengue prevention.  “This manufacturing plant investment reinforces Takeda’s strong support for our global vaccine strategy in general, and dengue in particular. The new plant will provide millions of people with access to a medicine that addresses a huge unmet medical need. It underlines our commitment to improve the lives of people worldwide,” says Dr. Thomas Wozniewski, Global Manufacturing & Supply Officer at Takeda. On September 7, 2016 Takeda vaccinated the first subject in the Tetravalent Immunization against Dengue Efficacy Study ( TIDES). TIDES is now enrolling approximately 20,000 healthy children between the ages of four and 16 years living in dengue-endemic countries in Latin America and Asia. The study is a Phase 3 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of Takeda’s live-attenuated tetravalent dengue vaccine candidate. The study is evaluating the efficacy of the vaccine candidate to protect subjects against symptomatic dengue fever caused by any of the four dengue virus serotypes, regardless of age and whether the individual has previously been exposed to the virus. The study is also evaluating vaccine safety and immunogenicity, with two doses of the vaccine candidate or placebo administered 90 days apart.


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