

Date: 2015-07-08

Type of information: R&D agreement

Compound: malaria treatments

Company: Sanofi-Aventis (France) Medicine for Malaria Venture

Therapeutic area: Infectious diseases - Parasitic diseases

Type agreement:


Action mechanism:

Disease: malaria


* On May 4, 2011, Sanofi-Aventis and Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) have signed an alliance agreement to research malaria treatments as well as the first research project agreement within the framework of the alliance. As part of the agreement, signed earlier this year, both parties will work together to identify, characterize and optimize new candidate compounds to treat malaria and conduct early development programs to demonstrate proof of concept in men. The three-year research project agreement, called “Orthology Malaria,” aims to develop drug candidates from a set of sanofi-aventis’ compounds that have been selected for their potential activity against malaria parasites. Each stage of the project will be evaluated by the sanofi-aventis/MMV joint steering committee and assessed according to MMV’s criteria for compound progression.

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Latest news:


* On July 8, 2015, Sanofi announced that the company will extend its collaboration with Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) to jointly develop a new single, fixed-dose combination therapy for malaria, the deadliest parasitic disease in the world. The announcement of the collaboration extension comes as Sanofi is preparing to participate in the Infectious Diseases World Summit 2015 in Boston. The collaboration began a three-year research project agreement in May 2011 to develop drug candidates from Sanofi's compounds selected for their potential activity against malaria parasites. At each stage, the project has been evaluated by a joint Sanofi/MMV steering committee applying MMV's criteria for compound progression.

The collaboration has today yielded two potential treatments, OZ439/Piperaquine and OZ439/Ferroquine, each of which is a single, fixed-dose combination therapy independent of artemisin. Extension of this collaboration will allow phase 2b trials for OZ439/Ferroquine to begin this summer. OZ439/Piperaquine is currently in a phase 2b clinical trial. At the end of phase 2b, the Joint Steering Committee will determine if either of the two combinations meet the criteria for advancement to phase 3 trials.

Is general: Yes