

Date: 2016-08-25

Type of information: Joint-venture agreement

Compound: iPharma

Company: BiolineRx (Israel) I-Bridge Capital (China)

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* On August 25, 2016, BioLineRx announced that it has established a joint venture with I-Bridge Capital, a Chinese venture capital fund focused on developing innovative therapies in China. The joint venture, named iPharma, will develop innovative clinical and pre-clinical therapeutic candidates originating primarily in Israel to serve the Chinese and global healthcare markets. Under the terms of the JV agreement, each partner will provide seed capital of one million dollars to the venture. BioLineRx will screen and identify promising early-stage drug candidates originating primarily in Israel with emphasis on therapeutic indications that are of special interest for the Chinese population. These therapeutic candidates will then be in-licensed by iPharma for further development and commercialization in China and possibly in other countries as well. After a critical mass of in-licensed projects is reached, iPharma intends to raise additional funds from Chinese investors to accelerate further development activities. Each partner is protected from dilution for a five-year period and the first project is expected to join iPharma's pipeline within the next few months.


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Is general: Yes